Thursday, March 15, 2018

Importance of playing outdoor for kindergarteners

In todays times children have ot to do indoors that they are actually not willing to step out and play. The technology has engulfed children so much speacilly the little ones that they can spend hours watching tv or playing games on mobile and tabs. Its the duty of parents to make them aware of outdoor surrounding and plays that they find things to enjoy. So here i present 10 benefits and importance of playing outdoors for kindergarteners.

Gross Motor Skills

The biggest advantage of playing outdoors is the development of Gross motor skills. Running, walking , throwing, jumping, actions that involve larger movement of muscles of arms , legs or entire body are considered as gross motor skills. 

Exposure to nature

Playing outdoor brings them closer to nature they get to see the trees , birds, open sky, stepping in the sun make sure they are getting enough Vitamin D.  They get to  connect with the soil, exposure to dirt builds their immune system . There bodies become more tolerant towards bacteria and germs when  exposed to outside environment.

Adapting Leadership qualities

Playing in group gives them chance to discover leadership qualities in themselves. You will often see them presenting their point of view while playing in a group. It give them self confidence and a feeling of being more mature and grown up.

Being Social

Children learn to spend time with other kids of their age. This way they learn many new things , habits , share knowledge and enjoy company of other children. They learn to play as a team and learn some coordination skills too.

Overall Development

Considering the benefits of playing outdoors one can say that its really essential for a child's overall development.Stepping out in fresh air improves blood circulaitons and improves digestion. A child feels more fit and stong in himself.  When he grows into an adult these deep rooted habits of playing will always push him to improvise himself .

Time off from tv and technology

the biggest blessing that you get from indulging them in sports is the children are less interested into watching tv and playing onmobiles. When kids learn to play outdoor they are less hooked for technologies they explore more ways of playing outdoors.

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