Saturday, March 3, 2018

8 ways to keep kindergarteners away from TV and mobile

Be Creative

Children enjoy being involved in creative things. Search internet for thousands of creative activities available. Spend time with your child in making those creative things. You can make greeting cards, drawings  or decorate their room walls with their preferred cartoon characters pictures. Play with colours , show them how colour mixing gives more colours. Let the child in you be rediscovered by your own child.

Give them the us time

Keep your gadgets and tv away and sit and relax with your kid , explore the  sheer imagination they have , engage yourself in the stories they have for you. Poke them about their friends in school , their teacher , what do they like or dislike about their school. They will have lots of undisclosed stories to tell you. Keep on repeating names of some of their friends or how their friends mother tell stories about their children and find your child adding more to it.

Stick to a routine

Children adapt to a routine very fast. So why not take advantage of this habit and make them early organisers. Make their time table and soon they will tell you what next activity they have to do. Keep a slot for outdoor play, written exercise, daytime sleep, drawing or colouring or any other creative activity .

Engage them in reading

Early reading is important for language development and vocabulary building. It increases their  visual imagination and help them become more expressive. Reading makes them more knowledgeable and make them aware about the world.  It increase their concentration and make them more curious. Once developed as a habit it will be beneficial forever in academics as well as in life.

Sing together

Singing  help children express their emotion and sharpen their ability to communicate. It gives them pleasure to find out they remember their favourite rhymes or songs and helps their memory muscle exercise. The joy in singing aloud with your child is unimaginable. Singing rhymes with them improves their vocal skills. It also helps in building their vocabulary and comprehension.

Engage in  gardening

Gardening again helps in stimulating fine motor skills. Besides gardening is a way to connect with mother earth. Children love to play with soil. Let them observe the life cycle of a plant. Ask them to sow seed and water it daily and see them grow into little saplings. It is an amazing feeling to watch plants grow. For them those little plants will be like their own child , they love it and be empathetic towards them .

Clay dough fun

Playing with clay dough is a very engrossing activity and can keep your child busy for hours. Just a little bit of input given from your side the children can come up with n number of imagination. Besides keeping children engaged , the clay dough also helps in building their fine motor skills. The fine motor skills involves deliberate and controlled movements, actions that require both muscle development and maturation of central nervous system.

Dance it out

Dance is the best form if exercise for a person of any age. Exposing children to dance movements increases their gross motor skills. It also creates a sense of uniqueness to them and explore their hidden potential. Soon you will see your child coming up with new dance steps and helping you in toning yourself.

Sometimes just  let them do what they want

A strict no gives them the thrust to do things which we don't want them to do. So let them watch tv for at their will or play on mobile but keep account of the time and engage them in next activity.

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