Friday, March 23, 2018

11 fun and learn indoor games for kindergarteners

At times its difficult to keep the children indoors when its raining heavily outside or its too hot a day. The children then move to watching tv or say we are bored of playing with toys. So here are a few conventional indoor games that could be fun and learning too.

1. Hide and seek

Its fun to play hide and seek indoors cause there are more places to hide yourself. Chilren learn to explore places in the house where they can hide themselves.You can also make them practice counting while playing hide and seek. The one who goes seeking will first cout till 50 and then search the other person.

2. Word scrabble

Start with any word then make the other person say a word which begins with the last alphabet of the word that the person said. For eg if the first person says a wortd catch then the next person has to tell word that begins with h. This way children can revise and lear many new words.

3. Antakshri

Antakshiri is game of singing songs and children love to sing. This is also a memory game because in it you have to start a song that with a letter that was the last letter of the song sung by the previous player.

4. Magic Game

Take four glass and a small ball . Now p;ace the ball under on of the glass and jumble up the glass. Now ask your child to guess which glass has the ball. In between you can even do ""Aabra ka daabra gilli gilli choo" and hid the ball under your lap and let child look with astonishment that where the ball disappeared. Let them also try some magic trick.

5. Dance and freeze

Just play a dance number and then suddenly mute and say freeze. Children have to freeze in whichever position they were and then again play the song. Its a great fun game children would love to dance and the become statue.

6. Puzzle game

Take an A4 size picture print and then paste it on a cardboard. Now cut out piesces of this picture to form a puzzle. Its a very good brain excercise also it will benefit childrenin their fine motor skills.

7. Treasure hunt

Take any favourite toy of your child and hid it somewhere in the room , aplace which is accessible to the child. Now ask him to find it , you can aslo give him some hint like its near a pliilpw or an almirah.

8. Guessing word game

Think of a word in your mind and now give your child clues about the word .Like if you think of a word cup, so you can give the hint that is a u sound word. It is used fro drinking or it breaks down on throwingor its used in kitchen. Its again a good brain excercise game.

9. Ball in the bucket

For this game we need a ball and an empty bucket. Now the player throws the ball from a distance into the bucket, adjust the distance according to the throwing capability of the child. If the ball falls in the bucket he gets apoint else he losses.

10. Tossing balloon

Just blow the balloon and ask the child to keep tossing it in the air the balloon. If the ballooon touces the floor he looses it. Its a game of focus and balancing also improves gross motor skills.

11. Blindfold

In this game you have to put a blind fold on your eye and go on catching your child. The child can make noises to bring your attention towards your location. Don't allow the child to be blindfolded cause they can get hurt by things lying in their path or can get hit by walls.

1 comment:

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