Saturday, May 12, 2018

Weeklong event on Earth Day

This earth day on 22nd April Sunday  "lets pledge to save our earth with consistent efforts and put an end to use of plastic" , with this vision in mind our little kindergarteners had a  full week dedicated towards understanding our planet earth and making it clean and green.

Day 1 :  2 D modelling of earth 

First of all there was an oral session on what is earth, planet , solar system ?
Next we ha round of questions from children:
What does earth look like?
Exactly , where we live on earth?
Where are the oceans? where is the sky.?

 To answer all these queries we made a  small 2D model of earth. On this mode we divided it into 4 parts one showing the land. one water, one day and one night.

Now children were given cuttings of moon, plants, sun, stars , birds and clouds and they have to stick them on relevant section..

Day 2 : Educational movie
"Nothing marks an impression on us if its not seen by naked eye" especially with children. So to explain to them the concept of keeping environment clean by disposing the waste at the right place. Children also learn about the 3 R's reduce, reuse recycle  through these videos. You can find many such videos on internet.

Day 3 : Workshop on 3 R's
You can never anticipate the unbound energy and imagination of the child. Yes when we had this workshop on how can we reduce , reuse and recycle , our lot of kindergarteners have turned into hardcore entrepreneurs coming up with solution that they will implement in their homes.

Day 4 : Connect with nature - Plantation activity 
Best time of the week was this plantation activity. Children just love to play with soil and planting a sapling was no big task for them. We have arranged for a pot, soil, sapling,and a spade. Children gathered in group of 5 and plated the sapling in the pot and later covered the pot with soil.

Day 5 :   Dress as elements of nature
Last activity was meant for dressing up and presenting themselves as a part of nature. Some of them had come dressed as trees while others as sun or cloud or the birds

It was indeed a fun-filled and educative Earth week celebration.

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