Sunday, May 27, 2018

Teaching kindergarteners value of sharing

Toddlers are always too fond of themselves, their rule book says everything belongs to them . This attitude is good but it is equally important to know the concept of sharing.  Sharing is essential for kindergarteners social, emotional and cognitive development.
In this blog we shall discuss about  "how we can teach kindergarteners to share things and why it is important for them "

Learning by doing

Actions speak louder than words and so goes the saying for children too. These young minds cannot be taught to behave in a particular way unless they see and observe such an environment near them. For that we need to grow children in sharing environment whether it is home or school. Teacher can arrange for a special session for parents to let them understand how they cna inculcate such values in their children.

Taking turns insterad of sharing

Some children are  too apprehensive about sharing to them sharing can be introduced as a pattern . I have also mentioned in previous blogs that kindergarteners correlate things with a set pattern or routine.  So for example if 4 children are eating from the sam plate and ech of them is claiming the plate to be their's just telll them you will get it at your chance. It will be more effective if you also participate and behave kiddish and become the fifth child waiting for his chance.

Rewarding Efforts

Every day the child who shares can be rewarded with a toffee or a hug and you will see the whole class yearning for it. This act will encourage children to be their best and share things with  their friends.

How sharing attitude helps in long run

In the long run sharing attitude will help children  to build better communication skills and socialising skills.  These skills when imparted to children since pre-schooling days get deep-rooted in them  and they grow up to be smarter individuals.

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