Monday, June 4, 2018

Fun from package cartons

Last week i had ordered for a toy hut for my little one from amazon online. The parcel came packed in a  tall box.  Generally we use these package boxes for storing extra materials at home but I couldn't understand how should i use this box because of its big size rather uneven size(less width and more height).

So, I planned to make some craft with it. I thought of making a little kitchen set for my daughter. I started by cutting the box into two parts where, considering top parts'height suitable for my child to stand and play.  From the other half, I again cut out the base to add a raised platform inside the bigger cutout and give support to my kitchen's base.

Now the structure of kitchen set was ready like this. Next, I  made two cut out for inserting pull out drawers. For making the pull out drawers i used old shoe boxes.
I also made one pull-down oven like bracket in the kitchen module.From the back side I covered this socket with another cardboard box. to look like a rack.

Now I had to do detailing of the kitchen like to add sink and gas. For the sink i took one small flipkart box, measured its base size then made a cutout in the right side of the kitchen platform. Then inserted the box inside this cutout and pasted its flaps outside on the platform.

I also covered the kitchen top with glace paper and play toy kitchen set for my little one was ready :)

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