Thursday, March 30, 2017

how to settle a your child in preschool

Its the first day of preschool the parents and teacher both are nervous about how the child would feel in the school. For parents their child is precious they are happy to see him start a new phase of life at the same time they are worried about how would the child react to this first separation from his parents. A few children are very eager to go to school but not every child feels the same for school.
So one has to prepare the child for starting his first interaction with the world outside.

Selecting the right preschool

These days there are a number of preschools in the city which offer a wide range of facilities which are lucrative enough to enrol your child in that school. So refer here to select the right preschool for your child.

Make a routine

Little ones love to follow a routine so even if the child cries a lot and is unwilling to go to school make him sit there for at least an hour so that he gets accustomed to this new place. Most of the children associate certain objects as there safe zone so let them identify their school also as safe zone.

Involve the child in reading

every child is inquistive wants to learn new things so give them some picture books to read at home, so that when they see or recognize the same picture in school they found things of interest
teacher is like your second mother
Allow your child to build a rapport with his teacher. Daily ask him what his teacher asked him to do or who the teacher likes the most.

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