Thursday, March 30, 2017

how to settle a your child in preschool

Its the first day of preschool the parents and teacher both are nervous about how the child would feel in the school. For parents their child is precious they are happy to see him start a new phase of life at the same time they are worried about how would the child react to this first separation from his parents. A few children are very eager to go to school but not every child feels the same for school.
So one has to prepare the child for starting his first interaction with the world outside.

Selecting the right preschool

These days there are a number of preschools in the city which offer a wide range of facilities which are lucrative enough to enrol your child in that school. So refer here to select the right preschool for your child.

Make a routine

Little ones love to follow a routine so even if the child cries a lot and is unwilling to go to school make him sit there for at least an hour so that he gets accustomed to this new place. Most of the children associate certain objects as there safe zone so let them identify their school also as safe zone.

Involve the child in reading

every child is inquistive wants to learn new things so give them some picture books to read at home, so that when they see or recognize the same picture in school they found things of interest
teacher is like your second mother
Allow your child to build a rapport with his teacher. Daily ask him what his teacher asked him to do or who the teacher likes the most.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Benefits of sending your child to preschool

There is an emerging evidence that high quality preschools are "play based," rather than attempting to provide early formal instruction in academic subjects. Playing with other children, away from adults, is how children learn to make their own decisions, control their emotions and impulses, see from others’ perspectives, negotiate differences with others, and make friends.

 “In short, play is how children learn to take control of their lives".

The areas of development that preschool education covers varies. However, the following main themes are typically offered.

Personal, social, economic and emotional development
Communication (including sign language), talking and listening
World knowledge and understanding
Creative and aesthetic development
Mathematical awareness
Physical development
Physical health
Self -help skills
Social Skills
Scientific thinking

Settng up a preschool : prerequisites

If you have planned to start to any new business first of all you need to do a little  background research. In case of setting up a preschool , one has to understand what is a preschool and how it is different from elementary schools.

What is a preschool

A preschool, also known as nursery school, pre-primary school, playschool or kindergarten is an educational establishment or learning space where children learn elementary education in  their early childhood before they begin compulsory education at primary level. It basically caters to children of age 2- 5 years.

Preschool systems observe standards for structure whether it is the administration, the  class size, the student teacher ratio or services everything is well guided of by the franchisees. The process and quality of classroom environments is also advised to teachers. The teachers are specifically trained for  teacher-child interactions as every child is different and the teachers being their mentor need to know different behavioural characteristic of their students.

standards, curriculum, assessments) components. Curriculum is designed for differing ages.

Why preschools are important

The most important years of learning begin at birth. During these early years, humans are capable of absorbing more information than later on. The brain grows most rapidly in the early years. High quality teachers and preschools can have a long-term effect on improving outcomes 

Support from Franchisees 

Preschool Franchises have a ready built in module to start with a Preschool. They provide thorough support in setup phase, advertising , centre launch , teaching material and equipment,  school dresses and other paraphernalia required to run a school.  They organise regular training camps for teachers and counsellors for better functioning of the school.

The only task at your hand is finding a good teaching staff and a supporting staff to take care of the children.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Setting up a preschool : How and Why

In today's times everyone is looking for some or the other business opportunity where setting up a preschool is one of the most happening business one can look for as a long term business with a minimal investment.  All you need is willingness to invest time and effort on a buisness you can learn and grow with. .

How can I start a preschool

With a range of franchisees available in the market, one can easily start a preschool with a minimum investment of Rs 10 - 15 lacs.

Find an appropriate location

Then you have to assess whether the place or building is suitable for running the preschool considering the factors such as catchement area.  A preschool generally caters to a customer range within a radius of 5 KM . While selecting a preschool a parent considers the distance of  school . The school has to be approachable in case their little one feels uncomfortable at the school.The next step is of getting location approval from your respective franchise and developing your infrastructure. The guidelines for set up are available with franchise along with an executive for any help during the setup phase.

Select Franchisee

Make a checklist of available franchisee .One can certainly start approaching the different franchisees and learn about their offers. Then decide on the which brand to go with.